IHI Forum session recordings

In-person Forum:除了Keynotes and SpotIight Sessions, which will be streamed at the time of their live presentation and be made available in the Forum lobby, no other sessions will be recorded. These few recorded sessions will be available on the online conference platform for 90 days after the event. Shawn Achor's keynote will be available for 30 days after the event. In-person attendees will have access to the recorded content from the online Forum as well.

Online Forum:All sessions will be recorded, with the exception of the CPPS review course, and will be available on the conference platform for 90 days after the event.

How to access recorded sessions:
1.登录到Forum Lobby
2. Under 'Your Agenda' select the date your desired session took place
3. Click 'Recording' then 'Play' in the pop-up window
4. The recording will play in a new browser tab